Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Get derrrrrr

Chris Von Blohn

A good friend of mine out in the skate boarding world sent me this rad edit of him shredding Hamilton and Menlo Skatpark. The Filming isnt really up to par but he has a couple gnarly clips.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Thighs of the Day

Warm Milk is riding down my legs
The milk continues to ride down my legs
I dont know where I am
A silver bowl
Small lanky creatures whittle my legs
Release the teat
Life as an utter


Fellow founder of the twat Sergio Acosta speaks his min. Chock full of giggles "because mountain biking is about nature."

Theres a glass of milk in an empty room

Friday, February 19, 2010


BLACK MARKET KILLSWITCH PROMO from Nick Brandreth on Vimeo.

Carter has been working on getting this bike perfect and he is not far from it the bike looks fuggin tits. For more in depth info about the Killswitch click here.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Thighs of the Day

yo yo yiggady gob yo yo yiggady gob
yo yo yiggady gob yo yo yiggady gob
yo yo yiggady gob yo yo yiggady gob
yo yo yiggady gob yo yo yiggady gob
yo yo yiggady gob yo yo yiggady gob
yo yo yiggady gob yo yo yiggady gob

You smell like soup

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Coastal Crew

Coastal Crew Ep.1 - Saturday from The Coastal Crew on Vimeo.

This video put a huge smile on my face and got my pumped to get off my ass and go up the mountain with poppa bear, these guys look like their having a jolly time in the woods and I would advise you to do the samee. Spotted this over at Thrashbike.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Thighs of the Day


The Shit Show

The Shit Show with Kenny Horton from Least Most on Vimeo.

This is hands down one of the best web videos i have seen in awhile. It features a bunch of clips from Kenny Horton and the FBM crew, long live fat bald men.

Port O'Brien

This song makes me happy.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

John Ivers

Solid Bikes: John Ivers from Chris McMahon | SJBMX on Vimeo.

John Ivers is one of my favorite people to watch ride another bay area killer. That ended is a story high to flatt cowabungaaa.
Some homies of mine are playing at the Dance Palace in Point Reys. Click here to check out the Egads. If your into get to the Dance Palace on February12th at 7pm. Get your crazy freaky dancing shoes prepared.

Thighs of the Day
